DOJ Charges Illegal Alien with Voter Fraud

She assumed the identity of a U.S. citizen to vote in elections and obtained U.S. passports.

The Department of Justice announced the arrest of an illegal immigrant for assuming a U.S. citizen’s identity and using it to vote. She also fraudulently obtained multiple U.S. passports. The woman from Guatemala, who was residing in Alabama, allegedly used the fraudulent identification she obtained around 2011 to vote in 2016 and 2020 primary and general elections. She has been charged with nine counts involving falsely claiming citizenship connected with voting and identity theft. The department reported she agreed to plead guilty to all charges.

The House and Senate are considering the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, legislation that requires states to remove non-citizens from voter rolls and proof of citizenship to register to vote. The bill could be added to a continuing resolution to continue federal funding beyond the current fiscal year, which ends September 30.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For DOJ officials as they investigate and uphold voter registration and election laws.
  • For senators and representatives as they consider legislation to strengthen proof of citizenship for voters in U.S. elections.

Sources: Department of Justice, Fox News, Townhall


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